Thursday, August 15, 2013

Helping The Environment With Green Modular Construction

leed certification
P.IQ High Performance Classroom

Green modular construction is an eco-friendly practice that results in more efficient buildings. Modular construction not only protects the environment because the majority of construction takes place off site but also reduces operational costs for the user. Through the entire process, modular contractors keep the environment in mind with more efficient designs, safer construction and less waste. If you are seeking a green home or building, modular construction is the best choice.

Environmental Benefits

Buildings have a tremendous impact on the environment. With buildings accounting for 65 percent of electricity consumption, 36 percent of energy usage, 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, 30 percent of raw material use-and 30 percent of waste output totaling 136 million tons a year; its clear why green building construction is so beneficial. Modular construction allows for a significant reduction in solid waste that is harmful to the environment. Modular construction also improves the air and water quality by cutting down on the greenhouse gas emissions that are clogging the atmosphere. Additionally, it ensures that there is limited disruption to the surrounding environment.

Economic Benefits

Since modular buildings are designed to use less energy and water, owners will experience a significant drop in operating costs. For businesses, there is a noticeable improvement in employee productivity, due to reduced absenteeism from work related health issues. In addition, employees tend to be more satisfied with the environment and less likely to transfer their employment elsewhere. Green construction enhances the market and asset value of the building, should it be sold in the near future. Modular buildings can include solar panels, programmable thermostats, structural insulated panels, low-emitting materials and other efficient materials to diminish the amount of heat gain inside, thus saving owners money on cooling costs.

Health and Community Benefits

Modular construction is intended to enhance the comfort, health and productivity of all residents or employees. Improved air quality within the building will successfully avoid triggering certain health conditions like chronic migraines, asthma, allergies or common colds. The use of translucent walls increases the amount of natural sunlight shining into the building, which is sure to lift the occupants’ moods. Buildings can also be designed to take advantage of natural day lighting.

The mission of green modular construction is to transform the way communities/organizations design, build and operate while contributing to a healthier environment.

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